Saturation is defined as how strongly a color embodies its particular hue. Shades of gray, which come from light that is equally distributed among the different wavelengths, have no saturation. The maximal saturation comes from spectral light: light that is entirely of a single wavelength, as comes out of lasers.
Saturation is a linear scale with a lot of complexity behind it. We're going to come back to this later, and for now I'll just show a couple gradients with increasing saturation.
Saturation is defined as how strongly a color embodies its particular hue. Shades of gray, which come from light that is equally distributed among the different wavelengths, have no saturation. The maximal saturation comes from spectral light: light that is entirely of a single wavelength, as comes out of lasers.
Saturation is a linear scale with a lot of complexity behind it. We're going to come back to this later, and for now I'll just show a couple gradients with increasing saturation.