Chi-Square and the Perils of NHST

The χ2\chi^2 test assesses whether observed categorical data is consistent with a specific categorical distribution.

To me, the archetypal example is catching cheaters. Let's say you think your friend has rigged your dice to get an advantage in Settlers of Catan. You take a suspicious die, try a bunch of rolls, and want to figure out whether what you observe is consistent with a fair die.

Chi-Square and the Perils of NHST

The χ2\chi^2 test assesses whether observed categorical data is consistent with a specific categorical distribution.

To me, the archetypal example is catching cheaters. Let's say you think your friend has rigged your dice to get an advantage in Settlers of Catan. You take a suspicious die, try a bunch of rolls, and want to figure out whether what you observe is consistent with a fair die.