Writing Some Text
Constellate supports all of the Markdown that Jupyter notebooks support, along with a couple extra additions.1
Open your notebook and add some text. Here's what I'm using, but you can feel free to freestyle:
# Getting Started
This is a test notebook. The title of the Constellation will be "Getting Started" because that's what the first level-1 header is. This[^1] is a footnote—Jupyter notebooks don't support these, but Constellate does. [^1]
[^1]: This is the footnote's text.
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Writing Some Text
Constellate supports all of the Markdown that Jupyter notebooks support, along with a couple extra additions.1
Open your notebook and add some text. Here's what I'm using, but you can feel free to freestyle:
# Getting Started
This is a test notebook. The title of the Constellation will be "Getting Started" because that's what the first level-1 header is. This[^1] is a footnote—Jupyter notebooks don't support these, but Constellate does. [^1]
[^1]: This is the footnote's text.
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