Constellate Prioritizes Ease of Use

If you're writing a data journalism piece or sharing an interactive explanation of an algorithm, you probably want to focus on your content and not web development. Constellate prioritizes plug-and-play usability: using it to render a notebook that was not made with Constellate in mind shouldn't require more than a couple edits.

Plotly Dash, the Holoviz ecosystem, and many other tools give you full control over how the output visuals are rendered, and using a server architecture combined with JS gives you even more control. Constellate strives to make its output as customizable as possible, but never in a way that forces you to use JS or requires a complex file structure.

Constellate Prioritizes Ease of Use

If you're writing a data journalism piece or sharing an interactive explanation of an algorithm, you probably want to focus on your content and not web development. Constellate prioritizes plug-and-play usability: using it to render a notebook that was not made with Constellate in mind shouldn't require more than a couple edits.

Plotly Dash, the Holoviz ecosystem, and many other tools give you full control over how the output visuals are rendered, and using a server architecture combined with JS gives you even more control. Constellate strives to make its output as customizable as possible, but never in a way that forces you to use JS or requires a complex file structure.