Exploring the Data: Flower Power

We will be analyzing a classic dataset: measurement information collected from 150 different iris flowers. We have sepal width and length and petal width and length, all in centimeters. The 150 iris flowers are grouped into 3 sets of 50 irises in the same species: Iris setosa, Iris versicolour, and Iris virginica (pictured). The dataset comes from Ronald Fischer, a titan of the field who was laying the groundwork for much of modern statistics in the 1930s.1

  1. He also supported eugenics, so I'll limit my adulation to Fisher's statistical work.

Iris virginica

Exploring the Data: Flower Power

We will be analyzing a classic dataset: measurement information collected from 150 different iris flowers. We have sepal width and length and petal width and length, all in centimeters. The 150 iris flowers are grouped into 3 sets of 50 irises in the same species: Iris setosa, Iris versicolour, and Iris virginica (pictured). The dataset comes from Ronald Fischer, a titan of the field who was laying the groundwork for much of modern statistics in the 1930s.1

  1. He also supported eugenics, so I'll limit my adulation to Fisher's statistical work.

Iris virginica