Bokeh and Friends

The HoloViz team has a set of tools (bokeh, panel, holoviews, etc.) that enable powerful interactive functionality in the Jupyter notebook. Because the tools can be backed by Python servers, you can support visualizations using arbitrary Python code and arbitrary data. For example, you can show the output of a machine learning model trained in Tensorflow or PyTorch without having to port that code to Javascript. One of the features that sets Constellate apart is seamlessly handling these interactive webapps just as it handles static images or JS-driven interactivity.

Here's an example Panel app that displays a beta distribution and lets you change the parameters.

Bokeh and Friends

The HoloViz team has a set of tools (bokeh, panel, holoviews, etc.) that enable powerful interactive functionality in the Jupyter notebook. Because the tools can be backed by Python servers, you can support visualizations using arbitrary Python code and arbitrary data. For example, you can show the output of a machine learning model trained in Tensorflow or PyTorch without having to port that code to Javascript. One of the features that sets Constellate apart is seamlessly handling these interactive webapps just as it handles static images or JS-driven interactivity.

Here's an example Panel app that displays a beta distribution and lets you change the parameters.