
If a cell has Plotly output, that output will be displayed in the side panel. Unlike matplotlib, this allows interactivity. There are a couple differences from the matplotlib renderer to know about:

  • Plotly cells aren't re-run by Constellate: the output data from the cell itself is used.1 This means that setup_plotly cells have no effect, and unlike matplotlib you cannot customize the output using IS_DARK or the named colors. You also have to run the cell in order for Constellate to see the output.
  • Dark mode compatibility is achieved by modifying the plotly template used to render the figure. This may overwrite some of your own styling: a fix for this is currently being considered.

To demonstrate, here's a 3D visual that benefits tremendously from the ability to rotate the camera.

  1. The reason for this is that Plotly has no concept of the current figure in the way that Matplotlib does, so Constellate wouldn't know what figure to render if it re-ran the cell. A technical workaround for this is in progress.


If a cell has Plotly output, that output will be displayed in the side panel. Unlike matplotlib, this allows interactivity. There are a couple differences from the matplotlib renderer to know about:

  • Plotly cells aren't re-run by Constellate: the output data from the cell itself is used.1 This means that setup_plotly cells have no effect, and unlike matplotlib you cannot customize the output using IS_DARK or the named colors. You also have to run the cell in order for Constellate to see the output.
  • Dark mode compatibility is achieved by modifying the plotly template used to render the figure. This may overwrite some of your own styling: a fix for this is currently being considered.

To demonstrate, here's a 3D visual that benefits tremendously from the ability to rotate the camera.

  1. The reason for this is that Plotly has no concept of the current figure in the way that Matplotlib does, so Constellate wouldn't know what figure to render if it re-ran the cell. A technical workaround for this is in progress.